Community Partners of Dallas' Back-to-School Sponsorships
Please fill out your information as an individual and not as an organization when making your donation
We are no longer accepting donations on this campaign, but there are other ways for you to support us today!
Click here to learn more about our Back-to-School Drive and here if you would like to make a donation. Email with questions.
Back-to-School 2022 Sponsorship Opportunities
Backpack Sponsor $10,000
- Special recognition as Back-to-School Welcome Sponsor*
- Opportunity to bring a volunteer group to Back-to-School distribution, limit 15 people
- Logo recognition on signage and collateral at all Back-to-School distribution events*
- Specific logo recognition in Back-to-School e-blasts to more than 8,400 recipients
- Logo recognition at Community Partners of Dallas
- Name recognition as a sponsor on the CPD website
- Name recognition in all press releases
Pencil Sponsor $7,500
- Specific logo recognition in Back-to-School e-blasts to more than 8,400 recipients
- Logo recognition at Community Partners of Dallas
- Name recognition as a sponsor on the CPD website
- Name recognition on signage at all Back-to-School distribution events*
- Name recognition in all press releases
Ruler Sponsor $5,000
- Inclusion in a Back-to-School e-blast to more than 8,400 recipients
- Name recognition at Community Partners of Dallas
- Name recognition as a sponsor on the CPD website
- Name recognition on signage at all Back-to-School distribution events*
- Name recognition in all press releases
Glue Stick Sponsor $2,500
- Name recognition as a sponsor on the CPD website
- Name recognition on signage at all Back-to-School distribution events*
- Name recognition in all press releases
*The deadline to be included on all Back-to-School signage is Monday, July 18th.